Reach Out To Your Prospective Customers Effectively With The Best Press Release Distribution Service: Linking News

In the world of information and services, Linking News provides a platform for its customers to articulate their brand voice clearly and effectively. It has the strongest networking among the news portals through which you can promulgate your information easily and conveniently. It is considered to be the world’s best press release distribution service wherein customers can utilize its network and templates to churn out the best possible press releases. The analytics of the press release across different portals is done in a way wherein your press releases are utilized by Google News and various other news portals, newspapers and websites. It can also be picked up by diverse television and broadcast platforms as well giving the reach you aspired for. Linking News being a press release distribution services provider has a few unique features that enable its customers to reach to its audience directly without any sort of leakage of information.
Find out various features of the Linking News which shall support you to spread your press releases across the globe.
A press release without any label
A feature of the Linking News enables its customers to utilize its platform in way wherein no one knows about the source of the press release. This feature is called White Label Press Release Distribution Service. These press releases neither are published on the official website of the Linking News nor hold a name of the third-party press release distribution service it is coming from. No one from your competitors will get to know about these press releases or whether you are using any sort of press release service.
This feature of Linking News is one of a kind wherein businesses looking forward to finding brand visibility can come to the forefront through this service. Linking News guarantees that your press releases will be available to hundreds of media outlets readily after they are approved. It also has the strongest public relations with the media organizations through which the press relapses spread like a wildfire.
Reach out without any hindrance
The press releases sent across the news portals through Linking News doesn’t have any name of the third-party press release distribution service. It doesn’t have any source or logo of the press release distributor neither in the report nor in the press release which helps your press release have a clean look. However, you can send a special report to your clients with your private logo as well. Usually, other press release distribution services use their name on the press releases. Nevertheless, Linking News doesn’t use its name. It also provides guidance to its customers wherein they can make a press release through templates available on the website of Linking News.
You can create your own press release and submit it on the platform. It includes a headline for your story along with different tools which can make your press release look original and authentic as well. The press release templates are readily available on the website of Linking News.