Non-Profit Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Non-Profit Press Release Format
{Company Name} {A short introduction to the company} non-profit organization has come up with {what the nonprofit organization is into, who the organization members are} {Write who is praising the nonprofit organization} praise for the non-profit {who benefits from the nonprofit organization, where they are located and plans of expansion, if any}
The idea behind {Nonprofit organization name} {write a few lines on why the nonprofit organization was formed and what was the motivation that led to the formation. Also, write how the team was formed} Funds are mainly collected {mention how the funds are collected…donations/charity/sponsors}
{Company name} offers free {write what the company offers for free and to whom} The brain behind this non-profit organization {whose idea was it that led to the forming of this nonprofit company…write, according to him, what the organization does to help those concerned in detail and how it plans to operate}
Another intention of {Company name} {Write a few more lines on the nonprofit organization’s other services and operations. You can write them in the words of a trusted source of the organization, such as the organization’s director or president}
{Mention who has praised the nonprofit organization…firms/industries/individuals} appreciated the idea {any sponsors that have come forward to help …a few lines on what are the benefits if more funds are received}
Non-Profit Press Release Template
The following press release example shows how to write a Non-Profit Press Release:
Handihelp Comes As A Boon To Physically/Mentally Challenged Children And Senior Citizens
{“Handihelp”}, a {service based} non-profit organization has come up with {an innovative idea for serving physically/mentally challenged children and senior citizens. The organization is said to be a team of highly motivated individuals from different industry backgrounds that are keen on serving society. The public is all} praise for the non-profit {service that has come as a boon to thousands of handicapped kids and senior citizens. Their office is located in the capital city for now, but is looking to open more branches across the country in the next 4-5 years.}
The idea behind {“Handihelp”} {is to lend a helping hand to those that genuinely need help and are low on morale. Several people at this organization, as per the sources, themselves have handicap kids/elderly people at their homes and know how difficult life is for such individuals. They formed a team by looking out for like-minded people on social media and their other networks and thus “Handihelp” came into being.} Funds are mainly collected {through donations. They are now seriously looking out for sponsors to help them in their charitable work.}
{Handihelp} offers free {education to physically and mentally challenged kids. The teachers here come with special training and experience teaching in special schools.} The brain behind this non-profit organization, {Dr. Justin Thomas says the children here are made to feel at home and encouraged to do their best. They are treated like any normal child and taught to do their jobs by themselves, without depending on others. However as each child comes with a different disability and challenge, the organization has planned to divide the children into groups in accordance with their condition. A customized teaching method and processes are planned for these groups and utmost care is given to each and every child. Parents of physically and mentally challenged kids can now enroll their dear ones at Handihelp that promises to better the lives of such children.}
Another intention of {Handihelp, according to Dr. Justin Tomas is to help physically/mentally ill senior citizens. These people, in many cases, will not have sufficient income to support themselves besides the lack of caretakers. However the non-profit institution says it cannot accommodate them full time right now due to the shortage of funds, but definitely would love to provide them a home in the near future, once their operations go full-fledged and more sponsors come forward to help. For now, the needy senior citizens can avail a free service where one of the organization caretakers will be accompanying them on their doctor visits once a week. Once they register with Handihelp, the organization also studies their condition and sends reminders to take their pills on time as suggested by their physician.}
{Several industries and private firms have} {appreciated the idea} {and are coming forward to help. If the trend continues, the organization believes, the day is not far off when the handicapped individuals will become a part of the mainstream society.}
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