Linking News - How To Write A Press Release For A Fundraiser, Fundraiser Press Release Examples

- Write a brief note on the fundraising campaign…the purpose…who is organizing this campaign
- Include some images to convince the readers. State at what stage is the project currently.
- Include quotes from supporters/ sponsors.
- Mention clearly the contact details of the concerned for people to make donations with ease.
{Organization name} launches a fundraiser campaign for {write for what purpose funds are being raised} The funds are collected {mention the sources from where the funds are being collected}. These funds {state how these funds will be utilized…1…2…N}
The fundraiser campaign {how is the response until now…what stage the project is in…} The images {write a brief note on the images relating to the project} More funds {describe why more funds are required for the non-profit project…clear and specific points…1…2…3…N}
The organization {a brief introduction into its activities and the noble work it has done in the past. Its achievements and recognition} {a few words into its future plans and non-profit activities}
According to {one of the major Sponsors name}, the project {Write what the sponsor feels about the project…why he felt like sponsoring the same…what good the project can do and who are the beneficiaries} He calls for {more donors to come forward and lend a helping hand for the project…more sponsors…more donations}
As per trustworthy sources, many organizations are impressed {mention the organizations that have appreciated the charity work…write a few lines on whether they have offered to donate…if so, how much}
Those that wish to donate funds can get in touch with {provide the contact details…mention the names and phone numbers of at least 3-4 concerned people}. Donations {are there any other methods to contribute…online money transfer…}
{Give a good conclusion…a couple of lines on why charity is important}
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