Brand Press Release Format, Example, & Template

On {date of brand launch,} at the {location of brand launch} {name of the company launching the product} is planning to launch their {name of the product that is to be launched} at the {specific details regarding the location and event where the product is going to be launched. Further details regarding the preliminary details regarding the product as well as the situations which brought forth the launch.}{Name of the company launching the product} is launching {name of the product that is to be launched} because the company feels that {reasons for launching the product} and has the scope of becoming {qualities that makes the product worthy of launching and creating success for the brand in question}
The launch of the brand will be held at {location of the product launch} and will premier {name of the product that is to be launched} The event would hold opportunities {attractions that makes the product launch special and heightens the brand value of the product} The audience will also have the chance to avail {added attractions that are part of the product launch}
In the words of {name and designation of a close member of the brand and a comment as released by him/her to the media regarding the product} According to {name and comment of another close member to the product launch as released to the media} The claim by the company was further supported by {name of another close member of the brand and product} who said that {comment released by that person regarding the product in front of the media}
The price of {name of the product and its price} and would be available at {places where the product would be available} {name of the product that is to be launched} will make the perfect {qualities that make the product perfect for buying, gifting, consumption or selling} {name of the product that is to be launched} is a product {qualities that makes the product classy and worthy of selling} {name of the company} itself is a brand which is {qualities which makes the company a noteworthy company and worthy of brand value} The campaign is slated to be released {the tentative date of the release of the product } The release is slated to be done on a {the availability of the product and how much the masses can take advantage of that situation } The {name of the product to be launched} is created by {name of the creator of the product and the qualities that make his product so special.} The qualities of the product include {further details regarding the product that makes it special and so attractive to the masses}
The following press release example shows how to write a Brand Press Release:
Dior re-launches their classic woman’s fragrance Dior Diorissmo
On {Saturday the 11th of September} at the {Somerset House in London} {Dior} is planning to launch their {Dior Diorissmo} at the {London Fashion Week which is a fashion pop-up event. This would be one of the few cities to experience the pop-up culture and will be one of the first to do so. It will have its stores experience the re-launch of the fragrance that Dior wants to bring forth to the people once again.}{Dior} is launching {this fragrance} because the company feels that {the fragrance has been forgotten} and has the scope of becoming {the next best fragrant that is available to the public. It has the scope of becoming a world-famous possession for women all over the world.}
The launch of the brand will be held at {Somerset House} and will premier {the re-launch of the forgotten fragrance Dior Diorissmo.} The event would hold opportunities {of photographs being taken of the new face of the campaign, the brand ambassador of the product as well as the model of Victoria Secrets Adriana Lima. Adriana Lima and Raff Simmons will also hold a Q&A round in order to interact the audience and answer questions that they might have.} The audience will also have the chance to avail {makeover from their hair to their nails.}
In the words of {Raf Simmons, a famous Belgian designer said, “Diorissmo embodies the true essence of Dior and now that we are launching it I feel every woman should embrace the Dior woman in them.”} According to {Adriana Lima, a renowned Victoria Secrets model, “I love the smell of Dior Diorissmo. It makes me feel sexy without even trying.”} The claim by the company was further supported by {Alexandra Schulman} who said that {“My mother always told me that a woman is not fully dressed until she has a scent, my scent is Diorissmo by Dior because it is a classic.”}
The price of {Dior Diorissmo starts at €60} and would be available at {Hammonds House of Fraser and Selfridges.} {Dior Diorissmo} will make the perfect {Christmas gift and can be given to any woman as the perfect gift to be able to showcase her true beauty and style, while also speaking in an honest fashion about the fragrance associated with Christmas.} {Dior Diorissmo} is a product {which speaks of elegance and class and is made by the finest of professionals in the field of perfume making.} {Dior} itself is a brand which is {par excellence speaks highly about the quality and brand value of the purchase.} The campaign is slated to be released {worldwide by the end of the next month.} The release is slated to be done on a {global scale making the product available to the masses.} The {perfume} is created by {Francois Demachy, who is a renowned perfume creator for Dior} and embodies the {true essence of the original Diorissmo Eau de Toilette.} The qualities of the product include {a deeper, richer and more intense fragrance than that of its predecessor. The product has a dominant jasmine floral note imbibed in it.}
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