A self-serving mobile advertising platform for personal brands, meeting Millennial KPIs.

The first rule of CrossFit is to let everyone know you do CrossFit.

Chad is at the gym and sees a girl on the elliptical he wants to impress. He sees that she’s streaming music from an app, while also browsing a few fashion sites. Fortunately, Chad already has a mobile-optimized Tumblr and Instagram that contain his “personal brand assets,” i.e., pictures of his abs.

He goes to the weights, makes sure she isn’t looking, pulls out his mobile device and uses the All About ME™ platform to post a rich media interstitial ad using both contextual and location-based targeting parameters.

The ad is delivered… she looks up…and sees him power through a massive squat. She’s duly impressed, and bam! ROI.


Don’t just put yourself out there — get in the hands of your potential employer.

Marissa is looking for a mid-level position at an ad agency and has been spending everyday pouring over job search engines, redoing and reposting her resume, but hasn’t had any luck. She has even been attending networking events and trying to make connections via LinkedIn, but so far, nothing.

Marissa decides to take matters into her own hands and creates a 10-second video resume touting her experience, skills and achievements, then uses All About ME™ to make a contextual buy on sites and apps, targeting both director-level agency personnel and industry recruiters.

The CTR rate is through the roof, and a conversion (job offer) quickly follows. Now that’s mobile measurement.


Aspiring entrepreneur? Drive offline traffic with targeted buys around your special skills.

Justin, a dog walker, is frustrated by his current advertising efforts: the tabs on the printed posters he’s tacked onto neighborhood trees and on bulletin boards at organic grocery stores are still intact. He’s tried Craigslist, and even Facebook, despite the social consequences.

He decides to try All About ME™ — starting with a selfie-with-dogs photo shoot on his smartphone. He then overlays ‘Canine Companion’ on top, adding credentials such as “K9 CPR-certified” to his mobile banner ad. His campaign is geofenced around every dog park in his DMA and also on mobile sites and apps for dog enthusiasts.

On Justin’s next walk, he is instantly recognized, and the qualified leads start pouring in!

Linking News is an online press release distribution service that helps you get your press release published on major news outlets without the label of a third-party company. With our service, your press release is guaranteed to be published on several top-tier news outlets, including ABC, NBC, and FOX network, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Associated Press, MarketWatch, and more. We have the strongest network in the industry, with connections to over 330,000 publications, 900,000 journalists, and 90 million social media influencers around the world. 

Best Press Release Distribution Service




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